New Operating System to support administrative improvements for processing Land Bank Applications
The Land Bank of Kansas City, Missouri is seeking a solution to the application’s process, requirements, and responsibilities to acquiring and up-keeping of Land Bank property as a business or individual.
Goals & Objectives
The Land Bank seeks a solution that would have the following outcomes:
Application approval rate >50%, # applicants
Short Term: Property compliance inspections; Long Term: release of Deed of Trust
Review/turnaround time frame of intake (within 14 days or less) and analysis of application;
Applicant Survey Data to understand barriers in the application process
Reduce number of incomplete applications for review
Decrease the backlog for inspections
To be successful, a solution should include features that:
Provide a solution to digitize the in-take and processing of business and individual applications
Provide tools to better educate applicants on the application process and procedures to review the site, scope and acquire the property.
Include a checklist for applicant and new administration to the office
Provide calendar integration for responses & inspections
Reduce and manage the high backlog of inspections
Provide a central database with profiles for each property and applicant
An ideal solution will:
Streamline the Application Process and help the office improve its efficiency with a small admin team and help to create a universal operating system for all staff.
Help reduce the number of vacant properties in Kansas City neighborhoods
Increase homeownership through the acquisition of Land Bank properties and allow the office to create and implement innovative housing solutions
Provide multilingual options for applicants
Reduce the number of properties the Land Bank and City of Kansas City have to maintain (i.e. lawn and mowing expenses)
Reduce the number of 311 calls on the maintenance of Land Bank properties
Provide a central data dashboard of properties and applicants to support the Land Bank in advocacy and policy updates
Budget: not to exceed $30,000 for a pilot.
Release of RFP: July 19, 2022
Applications Due by: August 9, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. You can submit your response here: https://airtable.com/shrzDZammv4Gr1hd9
Questions Due by: August 2, 2022 at 11:59 p.m; Email Questions to challenge@civstart.org
Determination of Selected Startup: September 2022
Orientation/Work Planning Starting Date: September 2022
NOTE: The City of Kansas City reserves the right to modify the dates listed at its sole discretion.
Kansas City, MO
Through support from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the City Inclusive Ecosystems (CIE) program is a National League of Cities initiative that asks city leaders to commit to an inclusive economic development policy, program, or practice over the course of one year.
The City of Kansas City is partnering with nonprofit CivStart for the City Inclusive Ecosystems (CIE) commitment program “Working with Startups” cohort to identify crucial technology issues facing government departments and agencies. The goal is to partner with civic-minded startups on a pilot program.
Challenge Background
Using the successful models of land banks in Genesee County, Michigan and Cuyahoga County, Ohio, the commissioners and staff of the Land Bank of Kansas City, Missouri have implemented a system that returns vacant properties to productive use, places them back on the tax rolls, and contributes to the improvement of the community.
Challenge Background
The Land Bank of Kansas City, Missouri is established to acquire tax-delinquent properties and other properties in order to protect the public from crime and hazardous conditions often associated with such properties to protect Kansas City neighborhoods from decline fostered by the presence of blighted conditions, and to advance the public purpose of returning land which is in nonrevenue-generating, nontax producing status to an effective utilization status in order to provide housing, new industry, and jobs for the residents of the city. This goal is furthered through sales of acquired properties to responsible parties who will properly develop, redevelop, maintain, or otherwise provide for productive use of the properties.
Under the direction of its new executive director and board of commissioners, the agency seeks to improve its internal processes and operation to improve application education to decrease the number of incomplete and declined applications, as well as, to reduce their backlog of compliance inspections to release deeds of trusts. Many of the agencies challenges include:
Staffing Shortages/Lack of Capacity. A digitization of their application in-take and processing would help to improve their efficiency with responding to and approving applications.
Currently, applicants submit a paper application which is logged in 3 different databases which leads to administrative burdens and a backlog of compliance inspections.
Land Bank-owned property exists at ⅔ market value but the process is difficult to understand for applicants and inefficient to implement for administrative staff.
Education for applicants on the process and procedures for acquiring a land bank property. Over half of the applications are denied due to filing confusions.
The Land Bank Website (2020) helps applicants understand information about the property and policies, but no technical assistance or walkthrough service for the process, from application to deed acquisition, is available.
Need to centralize data and information on land bank properties. The Land Bank of Kansas City currently oversees more than 3000 vacant lots and structures.
Want to support more ways to give preference to homeownership through Land Bank property acquisition.
Please see the attached full RFP No. P2022CIE for full information on the RFP, the (sample) Demonstration Partnership Agreement, and other important information.
Question Deadline
Proposers may submit written questions, request clarifications or provide notice to the appropriate City Contact person listed on the RFP cover of any ambiguities, conflicts, mistakes, errors or discrepancies that Proposer has discovered in the RFP, the Proposed Contract, Scope of Services and any other solicitation document at any time until one (1) week prior to the due date for proposals.
Addenda and Supplements to RFP
If it becomes necessary to revise any part of the RFP, an addendum to the RFP will be provided to all known prospective Startup Applicants via email and the CivStart website.
It is the responsibility of the Startup Applicant to verify addenda and supplements up to the RFP submission date and time.
Questions - Post Deadline
If a Proposer discovers any ambiguities, conflicts, mistakes, errors or discrepancies after the deadline for questions and clarifications or after the proposal due date, Proposer shall immediately submit the ambiguity, conflict, mistake, error or discrepancy to the appropriate City Contact person listed in Section 3. The City, in its sole discretion, shall determine the appropriate response to any issue raised by any Proposer.
Responses to Questions
1. How many application types does the Land Bank desire to be digitized during the pilot? Which applications should be built out once the pilot is completed? (Business, Side Lot, Urban Agriculture, Property Donation, etc.)
Total of 5 applications will be digitized: Business, Individual, Side Lot, Urban Agriculture, Donation)
2. Will the new operating system be collecting personally identifiable information? If so, what information?
Phone number
etc. (see online applications for specific information - Page 2)
3. If permissible, please provide additional detail on the different databases in which applications must be logged. We would greatly appreciate any explanation provided as to why three are being utilized and if the new system should plug into the existing three or should be designed to replace them.
Land Bank only utilizes the Main Database (E-Property Plus) – this tracks property information before and after sale.
Excel Spreadsheet for properties that have been sold. Currently manually tracking sold properties. (Not mandatory, but a pre-existing process that was in place)
The Land Bank desires to consolidate this database in the inputting process.
4. What data points does the land bank currently collect on client concerns and application failures/points of concern
Land Bank uses its E-Property Database to also track the applications outcomes for approvals, withdrawals and rejections but is unable to pull reports on individual rejections or withdrawals when there are multiple applicants for the same property.
In the case where there are multiple applicants for one property, the system only tracks the approved applicant and other applicants for the same property are noted in the database in its notes, which creates a challenge when tracking denials.
5. The sale of property is a process that typically involves an attorney. If an attorney is involved in the Land Bank’s disposition process, does the Land Bank have corporation counsel on staff, use City counsel, or retain third-party counsel? Further, will that counsel be required to utilize the software solution selected by the Land Bank, or will the solution have to integrate with the tools currently utilized by counsel?
The sale of the property does not include involvement of an attorney. Properties are sold as-is.
6. In most jurisdictions, search and survey production is still operating at a severe delay from COVID. As closed transactions is a pilot KPI, how does the Land Bank update and maintain its files on the status of its existing real property assets? For example, are searches and surveys immediately ordered by the Land Bank upon acquisition? Are searches, surveys, deeds, tax, and other such documentation on each parcel maintained by the Land Bank? If so, are they maintained in just a physical form, such as in a Redweld, or have they been digitized and organized into an online database, such as an Open Data Portal?
E-Properties database is where staff file data on all properties
Land Bank acquires properties that are not sold through Jackson County (the local county -- commonly referred to as Courthouse Steps.
Land Bank does not issue survey of properties
Back Taxes owed on the properties are cleared once acquired by Land Bank.
While Land Bank has the properties, no taxes are being paid.
Land Bank receives one “court administrator’s deed” annually of all the properties that are transferred/acquired to them -- filed by Jackson County. Land Bank updates its database records of the properties annually based on the court administrator’s deeds.
When Land Bank sells the properties -- a special warranty deed and a deed of trust are issued and recorded with Jackson County Recorders of Deed Office.
7. Is the City’s current data system integrated into the Land Bank’s operations? If so, can you provide details as to how? If not, is the City open to a system at the Land Bank that communicates with them (especially their law and inspections departments) to ensure data accuracy and superior provision of services by the Land Bank?
Land Bank is a State Statute entity, separate from the City of Kansas City Missouri and currently does not connect with City databases at all. City and Land Bank have an intergovernmental agreement.
Currently collaborates with Solid Waste for the mowing of properties via MowNBill database and has a communications process for citizen complaints via MyCivic.
Land Bank does not have the desire for it to connect with city databases.
8. Does the Land Bank currently have a workflow diagram of the current review process for applications and or any other operational training materials for staff?
Yes- See linked image. (Land Bank Application Process)
To apply for this RFP, please complete the Challenge-Response Form through the CivStart Local Government Innovation programs site at https://airtable.com/shrzDZammv4Gr1hd9
All responses must be submitted by August 9, 2022. The challenge response form will include the following questions:
A. Startup/Company Information
Company Name
Contact Name
Contact Email
Contact Phone Number
Company Website
Company Location/Address
Team Size/ Total number of team members in your company or team.
Case Studies: URL for background material on your product or team (i.e., video, case studies, blog piece, etc.), if any.
Briefly describe the product / service your company or team can provide (max 300 characters).
B. Program Expectations and Commitments
Interviews are anticipated to take place at the end of August or early September with the option of being done virtually or in person. Will you be available during this time?
Are you able to commit to visiting the location of this government organization once?
The response to this Challenge is to establish a free or low-cost short-term pilot with clear objectives identified in a Scope of Work. A full contract may be considered at the end of the pilot program
C. CIE Program Proposal
Description of your proposed solution.
How will your technology help the city achieve its outcomes?
Will you be creating a new product / service, or will you be customizing an existing product / service for this challenge?
What makes your team qualified to work on this challenge (i.e., previous customer success, professional experience, academic degrees, research, previous product development experience, etc.)?
D. Cost Proposal
What is the estimated range of the cost of you to build and pilot your proposed solution product / service?
What is the estimated range of average hourly labor costs for key staff required to develop and pilot your product/service?
What is the estimated range of any equipment or software that would need to be purchased to demonstrate and/or pilot your product / service?
E. Conflicts of Interest
Describe any potential conflicts of interest that your firm may have regarding the project, as well as individual conflicts of proposed personnel, if any.
Also see 26. KCMO PRELIMINARY VENDOR SECURITY QUESTIONNAIRE below for additional attachments to your submittal.
This vendor or 3rd party-vendor cybersecurity questionnaire is required to be completed by all potential vendors proposing or already doing business with the City of Kansas City, Missouri (KCMO) or with any KCMO affiliated agency or department. Please fill out the forms attached here and here and submit them to your application.
Challenge ID: