Mar 27, 2024
6:00 PM
With an election year in full swing, cities are experimenting with rules governing money and politics as well as new technologies for boosting compliance and transparency. What are the best practices for campaign finance transparency? What pitfalls should cities be avoiding? Hear the perspective of a former political fundraiser, now a campaign finance regulator, and join experts in campaign finance law, technology, and regulation for an engaging discussion as they address:
Novel city approaches to tracking social media advertising, public funding of elections, and more
Key best practices (and pitfalls to avoid) for campaign finance compliance and transparency
How Denver, Colorado boosted candidate compliance and public transparency using technology
Webinar Moderator:
Daniel Newman, President and Co-Founder, MapLight
Webinar Guests:
Elizabeth Shimek, Senior Legal Counsel, Campaign Finance, Campaign Legal Center
Andy Szekeres, Chief Deputy City Clerk, City and County of Denver, Colorado